Project Collection

Haley’s individual projects she has produced and has decided to present.

These projects include personal choices, school based, and/or collaboration work.

RAPS Cat Sanctuary - Class Final Project

Haley’s Artist Statement

This project focuses on unwanted cats in need of a forever home and care. Animals that add an inconvenience to owners' lives are often passed over at the shelters or abandoned. Through this project we meet some special people who have taken time out of their lives to train, feed, or give medication daily to these complicated critters. Along with some cats who could use some more love and consideration. 

This collection explores a few of the relationships between the cats that may be disregarded and the care providers who continue to help them. 

Ever since her first cat, Haley was captivated by the loving nature of an animal that was once neglected. For an animal that was once mistreated, could show some much affection towards people. 

RAPS is a cat sanctuary that will accommodate for any cat in need. The focus of this photojournalism project is to draw more people towards RAPS and help cats or other animals in need.